The Geno/Grinder is self-diagnostic and records information for service. THE NEXT GENERATION GENO/GRINDER® DNA/RNA/Protein Extraction Pesticide Residue Extraction QuEChERS Food Safety Crop Research BioMedical Research SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR: WWW.SPEXSAMPLEPREP 2010 CELL LYSER & HOMOGENIZER SPEX SamplePrep …

2010 Geno/Grinder from SPEX SamplePrep, LLC | SelectScience
Review date: 09 Apr 2009 | 2010 Geno/Grinder The SPEX SamplePrep Model 2000 Geno/Grinder is a new laboratory mill specifically designed for vigorous up-and-down shaking of deep-well titer plates. It is typically used to prepare tissue for extractions of nucleic acid, protein, and other constituents by shaking the tissue, steel balls, and a ...

SPEX SamplePrep 2010 Geno/Grinder 115 V/60 …
Replaced by model 2010 Geno/Grinder. Available outside the US while supplies last. Applications: Isolation of nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), proteins, enzymes, bacteria and yeast; Extraction of pesticide residues using QuEChERS method This product (s) resides on a Fisher Scientific GSA or VA contract.

SPEX SamplePrep Webinar Series: The Geno/Grinder® and ...
See how the Geno/Grinder® and Freezer/Mill® can be used to prepare different sample types in this virtual demo. The Geno/Grinder® is a high-throughput homog...

Genogrinder at Thomas Scientific
2010 Geno/Grinder® SPEX SamplePrep Geno/Grinder incorporates a password protected, touch screen control panel, enabling the user to program run time, rate, cycles and pause time.

SPEX Geno/Grinder 2010 _-- …
-CEMSPEX Geno/Grinder 2010 、、,SPEX Geno/Grinder 2010 。SPEX SamplePrep 61 …

SPEX SamplePrep 2010 GenoGrinder Homogenizer - YouTube
SPEX SamplePrep 2010 GenoGrinder Homogenizer is available from The Lab World Group. For more information, please visit us at https://

SPEX Geno2010 /--,/ …
Geno Grinder: : 17539: /: : : 1545 : /: SPEX: : : : Geno/grinder 2010 : : : : SPEX:

For more information please call 1‑855‑GET‑SPEX or visit Used in a wide range of applications: : These 2mL vials are ideal for grinding complex samples like bacteria, small yeast and soil. ... For more application notes on the 2010 Geno/Grinder ...

Used SPEX 2010 Geno/Grinder Tissue Processor For Sale ...
SPEX Sample Prep 2010 Geno Grinder Tissue Homogenizer / Cell Lyser, QuEChERS. This geno grinder is in great condition. It has a small quarter …

2010 Geno/Grinder - ZYMO RESEARCH
Next generation high throughput tissue homogenizer and cell lyser. The 2010 Geno/Grinder® accommodates a variety of formats ranging from deep-well titer plates to centrifuge tubes. Specifically designed for rapid cell disruption, lysis, and tissue homogenization while preserving temperature sensitive samples. Typical s

The Geno/Grinder is self-diagnostic and records information for service. THE NEXT GENERATION GENO/GRINDER® DNA/RNA/Protein Extraction Pesticide Residue Extraction QuEChERS Food Safety Crop Research BioMedical Research SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR: WWW.SPEXSAMPLEPREP 2010 CELL LYSER & HOMOGENIZER

sampleprep@spex SPEX Europe 2 Dalston Gardens Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 1BQ Tel: +44(0)208-204-6656 Fax: +44(0)298-204-6654 spexeurope@spex A full range of accessories are available for the Geno/Grinder from different sized titer plates, vials and vial sets to different types of grinding media.

2010 Geno/Grinder ® - Automated Tissue Homogenizer and ...
2010 Geno/Grinder®- Automated Tissue Homogenizer and Cell Lyser The Geno/Grinder® is an automated high-throughput plant & animal tissue homogenizer and cell lyser. It is equipped with an adjustable clamp that accommodates a full range of sample vials from 2mL to 50mL centrifuge tubes or up to six deep-well titer plates.

SPEX CertiPrep Ltd Announces the Next Generation 2010 Geno ...
It employs a unique design for vigorous 'true' up-and-down motion. The Geno/Grinder® is capable of processing up to four deep-well titer plates and sample vials from 0.6 to 50mL using one easy to use assembly. The versatile 2010 Geno/Grinder® now comes with a new robust design and is smaller and lighter without compromising power.

Geno Grinder 2010* - HORIBA
Geno Grinder 2010* schließen. ... Produktionsfirma: Spex Sample Prep. Eigenschaften Spezifikationen Automated mechanical disruption ideal for high-throughput applications involving sample preparation for DNA, RNA, and protein extractions, pesticide residue analysis, and more.

READ THE SPEX - Obsidian Lab
The 2010 Geno/Grinder® is a homogenizer ideal for labs that need high-throughput of samples. The 1600 MiniG TM is a smaller homogenizer useful for labs that process fewer samples. The 2020 Geno/Grinder® is an automated homogenizer that integrates with most automated robotic systems and platforms. APPLICATIONS • Tissue Homogenization ...

Geno/Grinder 2010-230 - SPEX Europe Ltd - PDF Catalogs ...
The use of 96-well micro titer plates and deep well plates in the Geno/Grinder® has been shown to give reproducible homogenization yields for all samples and is well suited for cell disruption of muscle and internal organs such as liver. large Clamp assembly SPEX SamplePrep 15 Liberty Steet Metuchen, NJ 08840-9978 Tel: 732.623.0465 Fax: 732 ...

Spex Sample Prep 2010 Geno/Grinder Bench Top Homogenizer
Click here to view the sales agreement. Equipment Description. Spex Sample Prep 2010 Geno/Grinder Bench Top Homogenizer. Powers On. LCD Display. Strokes per Minute; 500-1750. Used For; Plant and Animal Tissue. Includes assorted tubes, inserts, and grinder balls.

Zellaufschluss-Mühle SPEX SamplePrep 2010 Geno/Grinder®
Die Zellaufschluss-Mühle SPEX 2010 Geno/Grinder® bietet ein Monitoring des Aufschlusses durch Sichtkontrolle während des gesamten Prozesses. Die Aufschlussprozedur endet automatisch nach abgelaufener Zeit, kann jedoch jederzeit manuell durch den Bediener unterbrochen werden.

2000 Geno/Grinder ( SPEX CertiPrep ) | EVISA's Instruments ...
Adjustable from 500 to 1600 strokes/minute Speeds above 1200 not recommended for#2195 Large Capacity Clamp. Timer: Digital in minutes: seconds, maximum 99:59 (typical running times are under 2 minutes) 2000-230 Geno/Grinder. For 230 V/50 Hz operation. Specifications. Dimensions: 20.5 in. (52 cm) widex 16.9 in. (43 cm) deep x 22 in. (56 cm) high.

15 Liberty St., Metuchen, NJ 08840 1-855-GET-SPEX (1-438 ...
2010 Geno/Grinder Page 9 of 28 SPEX® SamplePrep LLC July 2013 4.3.1 Installing the 2189 Adjustable Clamp Assembly To install the clamp, first locate the 3/16"Allen wrench and the two bolts and lock washers supplied with the Geno/Grinder. Open the Geno/Grinder top cover and place the clamp base on top of the shaft.

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